
Raymond Duncan

NMLS #366622

Licensed in: FL, VA, WA


275 E Rivulon Blvd, Suite 200,
Gilbert, AZ 85297

I've been in the mortgage business since the late 1990s.  I've been ranked #1 in the Southeast at writing mortgages.  I ranked 5th at Banks of America in like 2010 for writing mortgages. I have created a mathematical formula that aligns debt from most expensive to least expensive. This formula is the answer to the Debt-to-Income Ratio in lending.  

I love to ask people if I control my rates.  The reason I say this is this.  I have access to 100 +/- wholesale lenders here at Barrett Financial.  I close which lender to go to.  I earn Partner Points from a lender. I can use the points at my discretion to buy my clients rates down.  I often receive incentive discounts from lenders trying to win my business.  It's privy information, and I know who is offering it and can choose to take the offer or not.  So, having these advantages at my discretion, I ask you once again.  Do I control my rates?

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